Fargo Sports Massage

Fargo Sports Massage

About the Techniques I Use

Neuromuscular Therapy Technique consists of alternating levels of concentrated pressure on the areas of muscle spasm. Muscles that are in spasm will be painful to the touch. The pain is caused by ischemic muscle tissue. Ischemia means the muscle is lacking proper blood flow usually due to the muscle spasm. This creates the following undesirable process:

  • Because the muscle is not receiving enough blood, the muscle is also not receiving enough oxygen.
  • The lack of Oxygen causes the muscle to produce lactic acid.
  • The lactic acid makes the muscle feel sore following physical activity

Also, I use the ART technique (Active Release Technique). With this technique, the whole structure (of muscle, tendon, ligament, nerve or fascia) can be treated instead of a particular section. It is the active motion, directed pressure, and specificity of treatment of the muscle that allows the practitioner to break up the adhesions. But what is an adhesion anyway? An adhesion is fibrous tissue that develops from a small tear in the muscle, tendon or ligament. Some people may call this scar tissue as well. How does it get there in the first place?

  • Acute Injury (trauma)
  • Overuse (repetitive motion injury)
  • Constant pressure/tension for extended periods (poor posture)

Schedule an Appointment

Appointments can be scheduled by phone, and are available at most convenient times. Please callĀ (701) 212-5122.